Monster Hearts

While at PAX East this year, I hopped by the Indie table top section and scanned around for new tricks and treats. The game Monster Hearts was highly recommended to me but the CON was all sold out of copies. Today in the mail my copy showed up! I’m writing up a one shot to try out the system, in hopes it will work for my home-brewed paranormal investigator game I run every other Friday. Currently I’m using Hunter the Vigil but I wanted to try a more lose and emotionally driven system. Monster Hearts is supposed to be similar to the Apocalypse World System, which I absolutely love. My only concern with Monster Hearts was the focus on teenage relationships, where I was hoping for more of a Hellboy feeling to the game. I’ve also picked up “Monster of the Week” which also uses the World System. I’ll be reporting back in with how these games worked out and a quick write up of the story/module I whipped up.

4th of July, I’ve been contacted to run a 5-6 player game of Dread. I’m writing up a new module for it and will post it with play through results after the holiday weekend. Cheers everyone!

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